Vickie Remoe Institute of Digital Communications

Make Sierra Leone Famous Podcast Breaks Down The Number One Killers Of Relationship


In the sixth episode of the Make Sierra Leone Famous Podcast: ‘Unequally Yoked: Rich  Men and Broke Women’ our host Vickie Remoe is in conversation with Rockslyn Alwyn Findlay, relationship therapist and motivational speaker and Nicky Spencer-Coker, women’s right advocate, broadcast radio veteran, and lawyer to unpack the highs and lows of dating in modern day Sierra Leone.

The Challenges and Opportunities in Sierra Leone’s Workforce

“Better relationship, na wetin kill am? Love or na money?” This has been a question in the minds of individuals interested in having successful romantic relationships in Sierra Leone and ultimately, worldwide.

Sierra Leone is a country known to encourage romantic relationships and marriages mostly influenced by traditional practices. It has been observed for a while that most women enter relationships not out of love but for financial convenience, which often leaves the men feeling overburdened and used.

From his work as a relationship therapist, Findlay has gathered that the burden for most modern day relationships in Sierra Leone was financial issues, specifically men being the overall financial provider in the relationship.

He added that this burden arises because women often do not make an effort to contribute financially, instead expecting men to cover their financial responsibilities and sometimes, even the financial needs of the woman’s family.

Spencer Coker however argued that Sierra Leonean men often choose women of that level because they are unsure of what they want in the relationship. The men tend to prioritize physical attractiveness over other key ingredients needed to grow a relationship successfully. This leaves them sour and regretful later on.

“In this case what kills the relationship is not women becoming a liability, it’s because the men have an aversion to looking for women who have similar financial or intellectual level as they are,” she said.

The guests also emphasized that for a relationship to flourish, there needs to be an alignment in values, beliefs, and overall compatibility. Most importantly, they believe that being friends with your partner is crucial for helping the relationship stand the test of time.

They also shared that society places a lot of pressure on people to settle down at a very young age, often before they are financially and emotionally ready to commit to a relationship.

As a result, many relationships consist of couples who are burnt out, unsatisfied, and looking for ways to escape their relationships. For them, addressing this issue is crucial not only for young individuals in Sierra Leone to have successful romantic relationships, but also to enjoy a less stressful and easier life from a young age.

Make Sierra Leone Famous Podcast is Available on Video and Audio on Youtube, Spotify and Apple Podcasts

This episode also touched on financial expectations of partners, the realities of dating in Sierra Leone, limitations of women in society as well as the right qualities to look out for in a partner. To catch a rewind of the episode, click on this link to stay in tune.

A new episode of the Make Sierra Leone Famous podcast will go out this Thursday at 10:00 AM. It will be available online via YouTube, Apple Podcast, Spotify, and Audiomack, so make sure to not miss it!

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