Vickie Remoe Institute of Digital Communications

Drizilik Drops New Hit Single “Send Money”: A Sonic Exploration of Modern Life


Sierra Leone’s number one artist, Drizilik, is back with a bang! His latest single, “Send Money,” is already making waves and it’s not hard to see why. This track blends catchy rhythms with a narrative that resonates deeply with many listeners, showcasing Drizilik’s knack for combining social commentary with irresistible beats.

The Sound and Style

“Send Money” stays true to Drizilik’s unique style, it is a fusion of Amapiano beats and hip-hop that’s as infectious as it is innovative. From the moment the song begins, you’re hooked by its rhythmic pulse and Drizilik’s smooth, engaging vocals. The production quality is top-notch, with layers of rich instrumentation that give the song a full, dynamic sound.

What sets “Send Money” apart is its lyrical content. Drizilik has always had a way with words, and this song is no exception. The lyrics talk about why it is necessary as a man to make money because at the end of the day even love needs money for it to be beautiful and however you look at it your woman is not lacking in suitors. This is a theme that will hit home for many especially young men in Sierra Leone, making it not just a song, but a relatable anthem.

“Poverty nor get dignity,

No matter how you try

En True Love nor go find you

If you blessings nor reply

But when the money de all tin go shine in front of your eye

So focus on you hustle

Cause the moni nor dae lie”

Cultural Relevance

In “Send Money,” Drizilik addresses the universal issue of financial support and the role it plays in our relationships. It’s a timely reminder of the socio-economic dynamics at play, especially in a country like Sierra Leone, where most relationships are based on financial transactions and how much money you can bring to the table as a man. This song is more than just a catchy tune; it’s a cultural commentary wrapped in a danceable package.

Send Money,” comes a few weeks before Drizilik’s debut concert at Howard Theatre on the 6th of July.  Think of it as a desert to the big feast that is waiting to happen on that day. With this song he has again proven why he is on top of the food chain when it comes to Sierra Leone music. The song is a masterful blend of catchy beats, insightful lyrics, and cultural relevance, making it a standout track in his already impressive discography. Whether you’re a longtime fan or new to his music, “Send Money” is a must-listen.

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